I Will Walk You Through the Entire Process from Creating Your CV to Landing Your Dream Job

Bringing YOU a Step Closer to Your Dream Career…

My Journey as a Career Coach and an International Executive Recruiter

I possess almost 5 years of experience in recruiting junior executives and top-level managers. This experience was acquired while working for several prestigious multinational firms including an award-winning executive search company, a Fortune Global 500 investment bank, and a business development service provider.

As a recruiter with experience working in both in-house and agency environments across Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia,  I have been involved in the final interview rounds. During this time, I observed the interaction between candidates and hiring managers from diverse backgrounds and nationalities. This first-hand experience has provided me with valuable insights into effective job search strategies – what might work and what might not – in order to secure a job offer!

I have conducted over 500 face-to-face job interviews and over 1,200 phone interviews. Additionally, I have screened over 15,000 resumes and used LinkedIn’s search engine to identify top talent for the organizations and clients I have worked with.

It is quite disheartening to witness highly skilled and accomplished individuals struggle to effectively present themselves, ultimately losing the opportunity to secure the job of their dreams.

Now, I am delighted to offer my support in helping you secure a position that is best suited to your unique abilities and strengths, allowing you to fully realize your potential and ultimately, thrive.

🔹Following job interview preparation sessions with me, a significant proportion (40%) of my clients successfully secure their desired job after only the 1st or 2nd interview

🔹I’ve helped professionals in securing jobs across a diverse range of international locations, including Poland, Germany, the United Kingdom, China, Malaysia, and Singapore

🔹Upon optimizing their LinkedIn profiles with my guidance, a significant majority (80%) of my clients receive a greater number of invitations to job interviews

🔹If you are seeking guidance on job searching, I am available to assist with a variety of topics, including:

  • Optimizing your LinkedIn profile and resume
  • Presenting yourself effectively to Hiring Managers
  • Answering common job interview questions
  • Leveraging networking to secure employment
  • Finding job opportunities that align with your strengths

Together, we can brainstorm and develop effective strategies to help you achieve your career goals.

I am on a mission to help people like you, who might lack in clarity about their career goals, don’t know what may be right for them on a career front, or don’t have any idea about how to get started…

I will walk you through the entire process from the chaos and confusion that occurs during your job search journey to securing the job of your dreams.

My goal is to get you that offer letter from your dream company, and I can guarantee you that this is possible with my proven strategy!

unlock your career potential by upgrading yourself!

Does it Sound Like You?

  • Lack a clear career vision

  • Uncertain about applying for the right job

  • Unsure how to create an effective LinkedIn profile

  • Not receiving interview invitations

  • Getting interviews but no offers

  • Uncertain about navigating difficult interviews

  • Lacking confidence

  • Struggling to make your CV stand out to recruiters and/or hiring managers

Don't worry,
I understand how difficult it seems...

With Me, You’ll Gain…

  • Clarity regarding what works for you

  • An understanding of which of the two would be the best for you; SMEs or MNCs

  • The pathway leading you to your true passion(s)

  • An understanding of how to utilize a recruitment agency in your job search

  • An understanding of how to utilize your local and international job boards tactfully

  • The mastery of answering difficult interview questions – tips and techniques

I have the EXACT solution for you! 
Here is how I can help you secure your dream job...

Week 1

Discovering Your True Passion(s)

What is not working out for you – the problems that you have been facing in your job search journey so far
Why would you go for SMEs or MNCs – I will trigger your thought process by asking you some thought-provoking questions
Leading you to what is right for you… Your true passions and where would you like to see yourself career-wise – now or in the years to come

Week 2

Field Selection and CV Making

We will work on identifying relevant job opportunities that align with your educational background


We will research TOGETHER AS A TEAM about the companies that belong to relevant industry sectors. We will then discuss why would you be a good fit/not-so-good fit for those companies
I will get more information from you about your credentials and skillset to help you craft the CV that will land you the job of your dreams


Week 3

Personal Branding and Cover Letter

I will help you develop your own brand so you can achieve your desired goals
Tailoring your Cover/Motivation Letter to your desired job
Making personal branding work for you effectively

Week 4

Your Job Search Journey

Understanding how to utilize recruitment agencies in your job search
Understanding how to tactfully use job boards to enable you to get job offers faster
We will together brainstorm LinkedIn features that will help you STAND OUT of the crowd

Week 5

Interview Preparation for Landing Your Dream Job

Preparing advanced interview questions and answers
Our ROLE PLAY sessions will help you  prepare for the actual interview process
Sharing TIPS and TRICKS from my personal experience

Week 6

Job Offer Management/Negotiation

We will discuss and research together on the company’s culture, employees’ personalities, and much more
I will guide you about the DOs and DON’Ts – to negotiate the package that you deserve
Sharing TIPS and TRICKS from my personal experience


Updated Interview
Prep. Materials - Q/A
Optimizing Your
LinkedIn Profile
Reviewing and Updating Your Professional CV
Interview Tips
and Techniques
Role Play

a Lifetime BONUS!!!

Receive 20% off on future Career Consultation(s)!

Be ready to invest in yourself!

'A Comprehensive Guide to Landing Your Dream Job' is for you if you want to...

Position Yourself As The "Go To Expert" In Your Field

Build Your Personal Brand

Be Clear About Your Career Goals

Follow A Proven Strategy And Have The Sincerity To Get Yourself On The Right Track

And if you are just getting started...

A Comprehensive Guide to Landing Your Dream Job will help you learn about how to build your personal brand.


In fact, most of my clients who received an offer letter from their dream company most likely:

  • Lacked in clarity

  • Found it challenging to create a standout CV optimized for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

  • Lacked the know-how for personal branding

  • Were afraid of interviews

We’ll work together to help you secure the job of your dreams!

Week 1: Discovering Your True Passion(s)
Week 2: Field Selection and CV Making
Week 3: Personal Branding and Cover Letter
Week 4: Your Job Search Journey
Week 5: Interview Preparation for Landing Your Dream Job
Week 6: Job Offer Management/Negotiation

Your FREE Professional Guide

  • Updated Interview Prep Materials – Q/A

  • Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile 

  • Reviewing and Updating Your Professional CV

  • Branding Strategy

  • 100+ Successful Interview Tips and Techniques

  • Checklist

  • Live Role Play

  • …and much more!

Total Value $799
But For NOW, It’s Only $199

“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.”

– Milton Berle

This is not a get-rich-quick program nor do we believe in overnight success in getting one’s dream job offer. We believe in hard work, integrity, and skill development if you want to receive an instant job offer letter for your desired job. Your results will vary and depend on many factors, including but not limited to your academic background, professional experience, and interview performance. All businesses entail risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT book or purchase this training program.